The Barton woodland burial ground is a very special site

Despite being man made, we wish for as natural an environment as possible. We would like the graves to blend into the beautiful surroundings rather than stand out. Please do not mark around graves or over garden. Only British wildflowers can be planted. Please do not plant bushes or trees. Any unpermitted plants will be removed.

There is a very useful online guide here

If in any doubt, please ask before purchase because inappropriate plants will be removed.  Unfortunately garden centres sell plants that are NOT wildflower species - brightly coloured primulas for example. Please do not plant bulbs unless you know they are wild and British. No tulips or roses etc. Please double check when purchasing seeds that they are British and wild. We have created a PDF guide (link below) that lists some of the most popular wildflower types that do well at Barton, together with some 'how to do it'  guidance. Please take the time to read it. 

Examples of permitted plants:

Ajuga reptans (bugle) (damp, semi-shady site)

Alchemilla filicaulis (lady's mantle) (any site)

Allium (ornamental onions) (sunny site)

Aquilegia vulgaris (columbine) (damp, shady site)

Colchicum (autumn crocus) (sunny site)

Convallaria majalis (lily of the valley) (shady site)

Digitalis purpurea (foxgloves) (tolerates shady site)

Echium vulgare (vipers’s bugloss) (any site)

Eranthis hyemalis (winter aconite) (woods and shady sites)

Erythronium dens-canis (dog's tooth violet) (semi shady sites)

Fritillaria (snakeshead fritillaries) (grass, dappled shade and open woodland)

Galanthus nivalis (snowdrop) (grass, dappled shade and open woodland)

Helleborus foetidus (hellebore) (woodland, moist, dappled shade, drought-tolerant sites)

Hyacinthoides non-scripta (bluebell) (shady, woodland site)

Lamium (dead nettles, mint family) (any site)

Leucojum (snowflakes) damp soil, (shady site)

Lychnis flos cuculis (ragged robin) (damp soil)

Malva moschata (musk mallow) (sunny site)

Myosotis arvensis (forget-me-not) (sunny site)

Narcissus pseudonarcissus (wild daffodil) (grass, dappled shade and open woodland)

Nepeta × faassenii (catmint) (sunny site)

Origanum vulgare (wild marjoram) (sunny site)

Polemonium caeruleum (Jacob's ladder) (part shade, shade)

Polygonatum multiflorum (Solomon's seal) (part shade, shade, woodland)

Primula veris (cowslip) (sunny site)

Primula vulgaris (primrose) (part shade and full shade sites)

Pulmonaria augustifolium (lungwort) (moist soil, dappled shade sites)

Tulipa sylvestris (Wild Tulip) (part shady sites)

Verbascum thapsus (mullein, seeds only) (sunny sites)

Viola odorata (violet) (shady sites)

Click here to download the 'Wild Flower' Leaflet.

If you live far away and need help placing flowers let us know.

PLEASE DO NOT OVER GARDEN THE GRAVE - We want them to look as natural as possible. Please do not create any borders or place ornaments.

PLANT ONLY NATIVE BRITISH PLANTS (please check labels to be sure). Please do not bring onto the site any Soil, Peat or Fertilizer. The grave will go down naturally over time.

As part of our Wednesday  inspection we remove any funeral tributes after a week or so and all dead flowers are removed.   If you are replacing flowers, please use the green wheelie bins provided to dispose of the old ones. These are located in the North Glebe (1 bin) and the car park (2 bins). Any non-green items [cellophane, plant pots, cans etc] go in the blue recycling bins.

Cut flowers should be laid flat without ribbon, wire, cellophane or paper.  Artificial flowers, ornaments, stones, balloons, lanterns, vases, flowerpots or other 'garden' items are not permitted and will be removed straight away. When visiting please do not stick flowers into the ground individually - staff have to clear away flowers that have finished and this can take them double the time to do. Please do not place individual flowers all around the perimeter of graves, again this takes too long to clear.

Flowers on the day of the Funeral only - We do understand it is hard for families to monitor what flowers are bought on the day of the funeral so please do not worry, we will allow all flowers on the day of the funeral to be laid and then we will remove them once their colour has finished. We do ask that cellophane be removed.

Flower shops in and around Cambridge are all good and should know what to supply to a woodland burial ground however, if you want something special you can contact or Sharon Cairns - an Eco Friendly Florist on 07964 563483

If you would like help with plant choices, planting, flowers and advice please contact:
Rosanna Bailey 07938801648 - or

Woodland Burial Ground at Barton - WildFlowers on Grave

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