Wooden plaques

It can be important to the family to mark the grave so if they wish, a wooden plaque may be placed on a grave.  

Our requirements

It should be of natural wood, not painted or varnished and can be rectangular, circular or oval as long as it’s no larger than 38cms long, 27cms wide and 5cms depth.  The deeper the lettering and the more coats of a colourless oil such as tung, linseed or Danish oil, the better.  

Markers should be placed flat or as near to the ground as possible and not fixed to the ground.  This means a plaque can be removed to dry out, be cleaned up and be re-oiled so they last longer. And it means a strimmer/mower can pass over it when the big mow happens in the autumn.

We want graves to look as natural as possible. Please do not mark around the graves or place ornaments as they will be removed. Only British, wild flowers can be planted. Do not plant bushes or trees.

Plaque makers

All of the following have made plaques for Barton but you don’t have to use one of them, there are other makers. Often friends and family have woodworking skills, so you can use others but please make sure they know our requirements, if you have any queries please contact us. Most suppliers are happy to drop the plaque off at our Site.


 - Machine and Hand carved -

Zowie Willow   Tel: 07824 164748  Email: zowiewillow@gmail.com

Ed Burnett Tel: 07874 862833   Email: edstockwood@gmail.com

The Sign Maker,  Devon         http://www.sign-maker.net/

 – Hand carvers

Ed Burnett   Tel: 07824 164748   Email: edstockwood@gmail.com

Neil Barber     Tel: 01223 837259   Email:  neilbarber31@gmail.com

Zowie Willow Tel: 07824 164748  Email: zowiewillow@gmail.com





Just one recent example

Just one recent example

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