
We are creating a natural woodland environment, where graves blend into the meadow glades leaving only wild flowers to add to the natural beauty.  We do hope you will help us by following these rules.  If you have any questions, please ask and we'll be happy to help.

1. The planting of trees and other plants is authorised by the Trustees alone. No gardening of the woodland is permitted and only native wildflowers may be planted.

2. Cut flowers can be laid on graves at any time. Any floral tributes containing oasis and plastic trays placed for a funeral will not be removed until the flowers have died.  They are then removed as part of routine care. Artificial flowers are not permitted.

3. The form of a lodge service or graveside ceremony must be dignified but not necessarily explicitly Christian.

4. The coffin or casket must be made of biodegradable material, either simple soft wood, cardboard, willow, banana leaf, wool or other suitable material. No varnish or veneers. Solid Oak coffins are not permitted as they take too long to biodegrade. No metal or plastic handles or furniture is permitted.

5. The grave can be marked by a wooden plaque but all graves are recorded by the Arbory Trust so that their location can be determined exactly. A list of plaque makers is available on request.

All plaques or markers should be natural wood only with no brass or plastic attachments or mounting posts, not painted or varnished and size should be compliant with our rules (Plaques). There are actual examples in the Lodge. Markers should be placed on the ground to enable a mower to pass over it. Any plaque not complying with these requirements will be adjusted without further reference.

6.  No oasis or floral tributes with wire, plastic or tape or artificial flowers are allowed. Cellophane, ribbon and foil should be removed from cut flowers and placed in the blue recycling bins.

7.  No ornaments, greetings cards, balloons, birdhouses, lanterns or vases or other such items are allowed. This includes stones, flowerpots, shells, stakes, ropes, ties or other 'garden' items. We remove unauthorised items quickly,

8. Each request for a refund is judged individually and is entirely at the discretion of the Trustees. Where a refund is approved, a proportion is retained and treated as a donation towards the objectives of the Trust to establish woodland burial grounds.

9.  No exhumations will be permitted under any circumstances except by lawful authority. The Trustees reserve the right to vary the Rules and Regulations at any time.



Woodland Burial Ground at Barton - Trees Facing North

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