Burial plot fees as from March 1st 2024

The Arbory Trust at this time, does not take Reservations. This utilises the land responsibly and makes sure that The Barton Woodland Burial Ground is available to all for years to come.

Grave digging is a separate funeral cost - as from March 12th March their digging fees are £480 for a single depth grave and £500 for a double depth.

To download a Burial Form, please click here.

Ashes plot fees

Single Depth Grave (full payment) £1400
Double Depth Grave (full payment) £2300
Single Ash Plot £400
Single Ash Plot with side by side Reservation for future use £600
Double Ash Plot (2 sets of ashes going in same day) £600

Barton is fully consecrated ground so ashes may not be scattered; they must be buried. The fee includes the cost of ground preparation.

If you wish to bury ashes, please contact the office to arrange a suitable date. You will then be asked to fill in the Ash section of the Burial Form obtained below. You will need to pay on line using the surname of the deceased as reference. We will also need a copy of the Cremation Certificate. Once this is done you can come to the burial ground by arrangement to look at the ash grave locations so that you can give your preference.

Once this is done, on the day you will come along and you will find a blue board over the grave, you remove the board and place the ashes. If you wish us to fill in afterwards, let us know and place the blue board back over the grave. We do however, let families, if they wish fill in afterwards and so if this is something you wish to do as a family, again let us know and bring a trowel on the day. You can mark the grave with a wooden plaque. Details are on this website.

To download an Ash Burial Form, please click here.

Lodge Fees

The Lodge will be open 45 minutes before a burial and for a short time afterwards for use of the toilet facilities. If you would like to use the Lodge for a service, a gathering, or both then the following fees apply.

Service (1 hour max), followed by burial £100
Service (1 hour Max) followed by burial, followed by gathering (3 hour total) £300

If you require more hours in the Lodge please let staff know when booking. There will be an additional hourly charge of £100 per hour.

Catering has to be organised by the Families and will be an additional Funeral cost. Please ask for our recommended Caterers.

The earliest start time for a Lodge service is 10am. The Lodge will be open from 9.15am.

The latest start time for a Lodge service and gathering afterwards is 1pm. The Lodge will be open from 12.15pm.

Click here for more information on the Lodge.


Terms & Conditions

The above charges are reviewed annually by the Trustees. Payments may be made via internet banking, just ask for details.

The plot fees relate ONLY to the provision of grave spaces. They DO NOT include the cost of digging a grave, fees for Ministers and church services, or Funeral Director's fees.

Woodland Burial Ground at Barton - Wildflowers Natural Funeral Checklist

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